Parameters Documentation

This page shows the available commands for MT Webhooks.

API Access

tokenRefers to password or token to be used to access the API.

Trading Actions

buyPlaces a market order to buy the asset immediately at the current market price.
buy_limitPlaces an order to buy the asset only if the price drops to or below a specified limit price.
buy_stopPlaces an order to buy the asset once its price rises to a specified stop price. The order becomes a market order when triggered.
buy_stop_limitCombines a buy stop and a limit order. The buy order is triggered at the stop price but only executed at the limit price or better.
sellPlaces a market order to sell the asset immediately at the current market price.
sell_limitPlaces an order to sell the asset only if the price rises to or above a specified limit price.
sell_stopPlaces an order to sell the asset once its price drops to a specified stop price. The order becomes a market order when triggered.
sell_stop_limitCombines a sell stop and a limit order. The sell order is triggered at the stop price but only executed at the limit price or better.

Primary Parameters

symbolSpecifies the trading pair or asset symbol (e.g., BTCUSD).
volumeThe amount of the asset to be traded / modified.
stopLimitPriceThe price at which a stop-limit order will be triggered.
slStop-loss price to limit potential losses.
tpTake-profit price to secure potential gains.

Position and Order Management

position_modifyModifies an existing open position.
position_partialCloses a part of an open position, reducing its volume.
position_close_idCloses a specific position by its unique identifier (position ID).
positions_close_symbolCloses all positions for a specified trading symbol.
CLOSE_POSITIONS_BY_COMMENTCloses positions identified by a specific comment.
MODIFY_POSITIONS_BY_COMMENTModifies positions identified by a specific comment.
order_modifyModifies a pending (unexecuted) order.
positionIdThe unique identifier of a specific position.
volumeSpecifies the volume of the position or order to be modified or closed.
symbolSpecifies the trading pair or asset symbol related to the position/order.

Optional Parameters

expirationThe time or date when the order will expire if not executed.
commentAn optional note or comment associated with the order.
timeSpecifies the time when the order will expires.